Here it is — the final installment of the requirements we are submitting for the DCXL add-in “Requirements” are the capabilities we want the proposed add-in to have, based on discussions with scientists and other stakeholders. For more information, read my three previous posts (here, here, and here) and check out the new Requirements page for more details about each of the proposed the requirements.
Requirement 5: Deposit into a repository
When folks here at CDL and over at Microsoft Research first started talking about this project, the overarching goal was to facilitate data archiving. They had a vision of archiving data using a tool already familiar to scientists: Excel. This requirement is all about archiving data for the long-term. We want users of the add-in to essentially click a button and be able to submit their data to a data repository. This particular requirement has a lot of challenges associated with it, and the details are still very much in flux (see details on the Requirements tab of this site). However at the root of the simple statement “Deposit into a repository” is the gist of this entire project: not only manage the data better, but share it so others now and well into the future can use it.