PIDapalooza is back, by popular demand! We’re building on the the best of the inaugural PIDapalooza and organizing two days packed with discussions, demos, informal and interactive sessions, updates, talks by leading PID innovators, and more. There will be lots of opportunities to network – and to learn from and engage with PID enthusiasts from around the world.All in a fun, relaxed, and welcoming atmosphere!
We’re looking for your PIDeas! Want to update the community on your current PID projects? Brainstorm new ones? Bring together experts with different perspectives on PID-related topics? Find out what’s new in PID-land? Share your experiences of creating, innovating, or communicating about PIDs? We welcome your proposals for energetic,exciting, and thoughtful rapid-fire sessions related to our eight festival themes :
- PID myths. Are PIDs a dream or reality? PID stands for Persistent IDentifier, but what does that mean and does such a thing exist?
- Achieving persistence. So many factors affect persistence: resolvability, mission, oversight, funding, succession, redundancy, governance. Is open infrastructure for scholarly communication the key to achieving persistence?
- PIDs for emerging uses. Long-term identifiers are no longer just for digital objects. PIDs are used for people, organizations, resources, vocabulary terms, and more. What are you identifying?
- Legacy PIDs. There are of thousands of venerable identifier systems that people want to bring into the modern research information ecosystem. How can we manage this effectively?
- Bridging worlds. What would optimize the interoperation of PID systemsy? Would standardized metadata and APIs across PID types solve many of the problems, and if so, how would that be achieved? What about standardized link/relation types?
- PIDagogy. It’s a challenge for those who provide PID services and tools to engage the wider community. How do you teach, learn, persuade, discuss, and improve adoption? What’s it mean to build a pedagogy for PIDs?
- PID stories. Which strategies work? Which strategies fail? Tell us your horror stories! Share your victories!
- Kinds of persistence. What are the frontiers of ‘persistence’? We hear lots about rigor and reproducibility, but what about data papers promoting PIDs for long-term access to objects that change over time, like software or live data feeds?
Please use this short form to tell us about your proposed session. The program committee will review all suggestions received by and we’ll let you know whether you’ve been successful by the first week of October.
We’ll be posting more information about the festival lineup on the PIDapalooza website and on Twitter (@PIDapalooza) in the coming weeks. We hope to see you in January!
PIDapalooza – the details

Where: Auditori Palau de Congressos de Girona, Passeig de la Devesa, 35, Girona, Catalonia, Spain
When: 23rd and 24th January 2018
Deadline for proposals: September 18 – please use this short form to submit session(s)