This is a week for important funding announcements! I already blogged about our new NSF funding for a Data-Level Metrics project with PLOS and DataONE, and on the heels of that, DataONE has announced their newest round of funding! I’ve borrowed heavily from their press release for this post. If you aren’t familiar with the work DataONE has been doing, go check out their website to learn more.
DataONE awarded $15 million from the NSF as part of an accomplishment based renewal.
DataONE: the Data Observation Network for Earth ( is a distributed cyberinfrastructure that meets the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and accessible Earth observational data. DataONE has dramatically increased the discoverability and accessibility of diverse yet interrelated Earth and environmental science data. In doing so, it has enhanced the efficiency of research and enabled scientists, policy makers and others to more easily address complex questions about our environment and our role within it.
DataONE Phase 1
Founded in 2009 by the NSF, DataONE was designed to provide both the tools and infrastructure for organizing and serving up vast amounts of scientific data, in addition to building an engaged community and developing openly available educational resources.
Accomplishments from the last five years include making over 260,000 publicly available data and metadata objects accessible through the DataONE search engine and building a growing network of 22 national and international data repositories. DataONE has published more than 74 papers, reached over 2,000 individuals via direct training events and workshops and connects with over 60,000 visitors annually via the website.
DataONE has developed an Investigator Toolkit that provides users with tools supporting activities across the full research data life cycle; a dynamic in-person and web-based education program comprising workshops, online best practices, curricula, training modules and other resources; and an engaged community of users via the DataONE Users Group and through collaboration with other national and international initiatives.
Plans for DataONE Phase 2
During the second phase, DataONE will target goals that enable scientific innovation and discovery while massively increasing the scope, interoperability, and accessibility of data. In particular DataONE will:
Significantly expand the volume and diversity of data available to researchers for large-scale scientific innovation;
Incorporate innovative features to dramatically improve data discovery and further support reproducible and open science; and
Establish an openly accessible online education series to support global participation and training in current techniques and perspectives.
DataONE will continue to engage, educate and grow the DataONE community, seek user input to ensure intuitive, user-friendly products and services, and work to ensure the long term sustainability of DataONE services so they continue to evolve and meet needs of researchers and other stakeholders for decades to come.