Research Data Alliance (RDA) recently hosted a three day (27-29 May 2020) machine-actionable DMP hackathon to build integrations and test the Common Standard for maDMPs.…
DMP Roadmap Team at the maDMP Hackathon
Posted in ActiveDMPs, and DMPTool
University of California Curation Center (UC3)
Posted in ActiveDMPs, and DMPTool
Research Data Alliance (RDA) recently hosted a three day (27-29 May 2020) machine-actionable DMP hackathon to build integrations and test the Common Standard for maDMPs.…
Posted in ActiveDMPs, and DMPTool
Imagine a dream scenario for Open Data advocates: the field station with an optimal data policy for open access, mandatory registration requirements for all research…
Posted in ActiveDMPs, Data, DMPTool, and UC3
We’re delighted to announce that the California Digital Library has been awarded a 2-year NSF EAGER grant to support active, machine-actionable data management plans (DMPs).…