Last week Stanford Libraries hosted the third annual Science Boot Camp West (SBCW 2015), “… building on the great Science Boot Camp events held at…
Science Boot Camp West
Posted in UC3
University of California Curation Center (UC3)
Posts written by UC3 staff.
Posted in UC3
Last week Stanford Libraries hosted the third annual Science Boot Camp West (SBCW 2015), “… building on the great Science Boot Camp events held at…
Posted in UC3
Today, we are pleased to announce the publication Making Data Count in Scientific Data. John Kratz and Carly Strasser led the research effort to understand…
Posted in UC3
In a recent opinion piece in Forbes, Steve Denning provocatively asks, “Do we need libraries?” As a digital librarian, my short answer is “Yes, of…
Do you love all things data management as much as we do? Then join our team! We are hiring a person to help manage the DMPTool, including development…
We are pleased to announce the launch of Dash – a new self-service tool from the UC Curation Center (UC3) and partners that allows researchers…
Posted in UC3
We all know that data is important for research. So how can we quantify that? How can you get credit for the data you produce?…
Posted in UC3
We are happy to announce the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has funded our project to improve the user interface and functionality of our Dash tool! You…
Posted in UC3
A few months ago, the UC3 group was contacted by some individuals interested in solving a problem: how should we reference field stations? Rob Plowes from University…
It’s now mid-October, and I’m guessing that first year graduate students are knee-deep in courses, barely considering their potential thesis project. But for those that…
Posted in UC3
This is a week for important funding announcements! I already blogged about our new NSF funding for a Data-Level Metrics project with PLOS and DataONE, and on the heels…