At UC3, we’re dedicated to advancing the fields of digital curation, digital preservation, and open data practices. Over the years, we’ve built and supported a…
Tag: What’s New
Passing the Torch of Persistence: EZID Development Update
Posted in EZID, Persistent Identifiers, and UC3
Persistent identifiers are the backbone of scholarly communication infrastructure and long-term digital preservation, key to supporting a fully networked research ecosystem. CDL’s EZID service has…
The UC Berkeley Library is participating in the worldwide Library Carpentry Sprint happening on June 1st and 2nd, which is a part of the larger…
AIS Teaching Resource Fair
Posted in UC Libraries
end .entry-meta Faculty, Graduate Students, and Researchers! Looking for ideas on how to refresh your teaching or improve your research? Wondering what campus resources are…
Thursday, April 6 10am -11:30am 180 Doe Library Zach Bleemer discusses how he used data science — thousands of computer-processed versions of annual registers, directories,…
Berkeley commits to accelerating universal open access, signs the OA2020 Expression of Interest
Posted in UC Libraries
The University Library at UC Berkeley took a major step today in its commitment to achieving universal open access for scholarly journal literature by signing…
end .entry-meta This exhibition highlights a collection of Brazilian chapbooks or Literatura de Cordel in the Moffitt Library. These chapbooks are still produced for mass…