It was one year ago today that I moved up to the Bay Area to work on DataUp (then DCXL) in earnest. It seems fitting that this milestone be marked by some significant progress on the project. No, we haven’t released DataUp to the public yet, but we have a release date slated for this September. This is very exciting news, especially since the project got off to a bit of a slow start. We have been cooking with gas since March, however, and the DataUp tool promises to do much of what I had envisioned on my drive from Santa Barbara last year.
If you are wondering what DataUp looks like, you will need to be patient. You can, however, see some preliminary responses from our very gracious beta testers. The good news is this: most folks seem pretty happy with the tool as-is, and many offered some really great feedback that will improve the tool as we move into the community involvement phase of the development effort.
We asked 21 beta testers what they thought of DataUp features, and here are the results:
We expect that the DataUp tool will only improve from here on out, so stay tuned for our big debut in less than two months!