That’s right: DataUp is LIVE! I’m so excited I needed to type it twice. So what does “DataUp is Live!” mean? Several things:
- The DataUp website (dataup.cdlib.org) is up and running, and is chock full of information about the project, how to participate, and how to get the tool (in either web app or add-in form).
- The DataUp web application is up and running (www.dataup.org). Anyone with internet access can start creating high-quality, archive-ready data! Would you rather use the tool within Excel? Download the add-in instead (available via the main site).
- The DataUp code is available. DataUp is an open source project, and we strongly encourage community members to participate in the tool’s continued improvement. Check out the code on BitBucket.
- The special repository for housing DataUp data, ONEShare, is up and running. This new repository is a special instance of the CDL’s Merritt Repository, and is connected to the DataONE project. ONEShare is the result of collaborations between CDL, University of New Mexico, and DataONE. Read more in my blog post about ONEShare.
- Please note that the current version of DataUp is Beta: this means it’s a work in progress. We apologize for any hiccups you may encounter; in particular, there is a known issue that currently prevents spreadsheets archived via DataUp from appearing in DataONE searches.
Today also marks the integration of the old DCXL/DataUp blog with the Data Pub Blog. You probably noticed that they are combined since the banner at the top says “Data Pub”. I will be posting here from now on, rather than at dataup.cdlib.org. The DataUp URL now hold the DataUp main website. Read more about these changes in my blog post about it. The Data Pub Blog is intended to hold “Conversations About Data”. That means we will run the gamut of potential topics, including (but not limited to) data publication, data sharing, open data, metadata, digital archiving, etc. etc.. There are likely to be posts from others at CDL from time to time, which means you will have access to more than just my myopic views on all things data.
The DataUp project’s core team included yours truly, Patricia Cruse (UC3 Director), John Kunze (UC3 Associate Director), and Stephen Abrams (UC3 Associate Director). Of course, no project at CDL is an island. We had SO MUCH help from the great folks here:
- DataUp Website: Eric Satzman, Abhishek Salve, Robin Davis-White, Rob Valentine, Felicia Poe
- DataUp Communications: Ellen Meltzer (DataUp Press Release PDF)
- DataUp development: Mark Reyes, David Loy, Scott Fisher, Marisa Strong
- Machine configuration: Joseph Somontan
- Administrative support: Beaumont Yung, Rondy Epting-Day, Stephanie Lew
Thanks to all of you!