Structured, well-documented, and FAIR-aligned data is the foundation of effective research dissemination. However, data publishing activities have often focused on the last step in the…
Category: Uncategorized
Merritt is awarded a Mojgan Amini Operational Excellence Award at UC Tech 2022
Posted in Merritt, UC3, and Uncategorized
We are excited to announce that Merritt, CDL’s digital preservation repository, has been awarded the Mojgan Amini Operational Excellence Award. This recognition comes at a…
Support your Data
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Building an RDM Maturity Model: Part 4 By John Borghi Researchers are faced with rapidly evolving expectations about how they should manage and share their data,…
We all know that research data should be archived and shared. That’s why Dash was created, a Data Publishing platform free to UC researchers. Dash…
As a person who worked for years in psychology and neuroscience laboratories before coming to work in academic libraries, I have particularly strong feelings about…
end .entry-meta This exhibition highlights a collection of Brazilian chapbooks or Literatura de Cordel in the Moffitt Library. These chapbooks are still produced for mass…
[…] Project Svalbard. The goal is to create a global metadata vault for public research data, especially those at risk of disappearing. The initiative is named…
By: steve jones/UCSC Alumni
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Global Marshall Plan/Executive Summary:
I know what you’re thinking– how can yet another post on the #PLOSfail hoopla say anything new? Fear not. I say nothing particularly new here,…
Institutional Repositories: Part 2
Posted in UC3, and Uncategorized
A few weeks back I wrote a post describing institutional repositories (IRs for short). IRs have been around for a while, with the impetus of making…