Do you love all things data? Do you think data should be considered as important as traditional scholarly publications? We do here at CDL, and…
Looking for a Postdoc: Data Publication
Posted in UC3
University of California Curation Center (UC3)
Posted in UC3
Do you love all things data? Do you think data should be considered as important as traditional scholarly publications? We do here at CDL, and…
For the last two weeks, I’ve been posting on Open Stuff, including Open Access and Open Data, Open Science, Open Notebooks, etc etc. I’m continuing the thread…
Open Access Week came and went last week, and I marked the event on the blog with a post on Open Access. But the Open…
Posted in UC3
If you weren’t aware, this week is Open Access Week. The word open gets used quite a bit these days… like open notebooks, open science, open…
Posted in UC3
Last week some pretty fabulous speakers congregated in Chicago for the Microsoft eScience Workshop, which was scheduled to coincide with the 2012 IEEE eScience Workshop (IEEE…
Posted in UC3
This week, the National Science Foundation announced changes to its Grant Proposal Guidelines (Full GPG for January 2013 here). Included in this list is something that…
Posted in UC3
That’s right: DataUp is LIVE! I’m so excited I needed to type it twice. So what does “DataUp is Live!” mean? Several things: The DataUp…
Posted in UC3
We are nearing the (revised) launch date for DataUp: on Tuesday 2 October, one week from today, we plan on officially release the tool. This…
Posted in UC3
Like all good projects, DataUp hit a few snags near the finish line. As a result, the DataUp launch will not take place today, as…
Posted in UC3
If you didn’t notice, check out the URL above for this post: unbeknownst to you, you have been rerouted from DataUp to Data Pub. If…