We have received several inquiries about the status of our Dat-in-the-Lab project. To share our project outputs, we held a webinar on Friday, October 19, 2018.…
Lessons from Dat in the Lab: Webinar
Posted in dat in the lab, Data, Projects, and UC3
University of California Curation Center (UC3)
Posted in dat in the lab, Data, Projects, and UC3
We have received several inquiries about the status of our Dat-in-the-Lab project. To share our project outputs, we held a webinar on Friday, October 19, 2018.…
Greg Janée, lead developer for the EZID service, has recently stepped up to be the Director of the Data Curation Program at the UCSB…
Today we are releasing Anacapa Container, which enables reproducibility of research environment and data across campuses. If you’ve been following our work over the last…
Posted in events, Persistent Identifiers, and PIDapalooza
Yes, it’s back and – with your support – it’s going to be better than ever! The third annual PIDapalooza open festival of persistent identifiers…
Posted in Library Carpentry, and UC3
Originally posted by Elaine L. Westbrooks The Strategic Value of Library Carpentry and The Carpentries to Research Libraries The Data Science Community Newsletter, a helpful resource by…
Posted in Digital Curation, Digital Preservation, and Merritt
University of California Curation Center (UC3) is happy to announce that its Merritt repository and companion Dash data publishing platform have received CoreTrustSeal certification. This…
Posted in Development, Digital Preservation, Projects, and UC3
We’ve updated the Merritt UI design! This redesign is intended to showcase our certification as a CoreTrustSeal trustworthy data repository and highlight some of the…
Posted in EZID, OrgID, Persistent Identifiers, PIDapalooza, and Projects
Over the past couple of years, a group of organizations with a shared purpose—California Digital Library, Crossref, DataCite, and ORCID—invested our time and energy into…
Posted in events, Library Carpentry, Skills Training, and UC3
originally posted by Chris Erdmann Recently, I was lucky to participate in an innovative workshop held at Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) Hannover from 9 – 13…
Posted in Data Mirror, Data Publication, and UC3
In early 2017, UC3 created Datamirror.org as an independent, dynamic, online mirror of Data.gov, the US federal government’s primary research data portal. Developed in collaboration…